Welcome to this new blog about how to start an online store with little investment using drop shipping from AliExpress!

This blogs about what drop shipping is, how you can start a small but growing business through it with where little investment in money, and more specifically, how to do it using the massive site AliExpress where you can find millions of products in nearly any category you can think of.

My name is Caroline and I spent 10 years (since the late 90’s) of dreaming of my own online store but work, family and the large investment that was usually required came in between, so it remained just a dream for many years.

Then, about 5 years ago, I found the site AliExpress (http://www.aliexpress.com). Many of you probably know of it and have maybe bought things there yourselves because the prices are (mostly) very affordable and it’s usually free shipping practically worldwide. But 5 years ago when I found AliExpress, I knew nothing about drop shipping and definitively not that you can find many suppliers on AliExpress who supports it.

But a few years ago, after buying a few hundred products for myself and my family (even co-workers), I found information about the concept of drop shipping and soon after that I also learned that you could do it using AliExpress as your main or single source of suppliers and products.

You can start an online store using drop shipping from AliExpress for as little as $29 per month which is the cost for the e-commerce solution your shop will be based on. And yep, that’s it. The only other required cost is if there’s a fee for setting up a business entity in your country but many start out small without an own business which in many countries are perfectly fine as long as you’re not making large sums of money. But remember to check your countries rules around this issue, I can’t give you any legal advice since it varies a lot and I don’t encourage you to do something illegal.

So, are you even just a little interested yet? Well, let’s get started then shall we?


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